As gathered by the honey bee pollen is a superfood that and promoter of good health, which has been used by man for many centuries.
No other natural product on earth could compete with bee pollen in the level of nutritional value. It is rich with natural components including protein, amino acids, amino acids, enzymes, co-enzymes, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids crucially important for humans and animals body metabolism and well-being.
Bee Pollen can be added to dog’s diet to enhance their general health, improve performance, strength and stamina especially for dogs that are recovering from an illness or suffering from a stressful.
Used as an immune system builder, Bee Pollen is thought to have the ability to correct body chemistry and eliminate unhealthy conditions.
Bee Pollen is safe and beneficial for any animal, whether healthy or suffering from allergies. Healthy animals benefit from the vitamin and mineral content, while animals with allergy symptoms will finally get some relief.
Begin with 5 grains of pollen per day, then work up to ½ tsp. twice a day for small dogs and 1 tsp. twice a day for large dogs.
Dosage by body weight:
Below 10 kg – 1 teaspoon (4 g) daily
10 kg to 20 kg – 2 teaspoons (8 g) daily
Above 20 kg – 3 teaspoons (12 g) daily